Hotel Casa 1800 Granada


Hotel Casa 1800 Granada

History of the house

The Hotel Casa 1800 Granada is an old Granada house where the Lords of Cañaveral, Counts of Benalúa, settled. Built in the last third of the 16th century on the outline of an important Arab house, it currently has a Castilian doorway, a straight hallway and a grand staircase at the back, with a Mudejar presence in the courtyard’s footings and in the structure of the right feet that support the upper floors. The building underwent important modifications throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.

Hotel Casa 1800 Granada

For some years the house was the former headquarters of the troops of the Migueletes, a military corps formed by the rural police of the Carlist period, whose predecessor was the Santa Hermandad founded by the Catholic Monarchs in 1476, and whose mission was to watch over the properties and roads of the Crown of Castile.

Being a protected historic building, originally preserved facade with Renaissance- style murals and charm of a building with a unique design, which makes all the rooms to be different.

It also has a unique situation, being at the foot of the Alhambra, thus having a fantastic view of the monument from some of its rooms and public areas.